Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wednesday check in

You may take for the first quarter AR tests through Friday.

6th LA
Thursday Read P257-261 in "The King of Mazy May"
                Spelling questions due
                Pumpkin contest paragraphs due
6th Graders tell someone if you are happy you won 3rd place in the National Pumkin contest.

7th LA
A few students have Patriots Pen assignments to correct.  They are now late! 
Thursday P.23 in WB is due
Friday  Stories due
7th graders tell someone in your house about the character you created.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Last Week...Don't be Weak

This is the final week of the quarter.  Make it a positive one!  Take AR tests through Friday.

6th LA
Thursday Spelling questions due
                Pumpkin contest paragraphs due

A few students have Patriots Pen assignments to correct, due by Wed.
Wednesday  Spelling questions due
                    1 page of rough draft for stories due
Friday  Stories due

Sunday, October 27, 2013

7th Grade Blog Bonus!

The first of many to come, bring in the answer to this question to receive extra credit in Civics!
Pope Leo X began the practice of selling indulgences to rebuild St. Peter's Basilica in Rome which prompted the writing of the 95 theses. Who is the author of this historic document?
Who am I?
Don't tell your classmates, the points are reserved for those who check the blog!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

80 Minute Challenge

6th and 7th Grades - Read for 80 minutes during these next 4 days
                              -Return the recoding sheet and earn a treat

Monday, October 21, 2013

Keep Reading!!!

AR for all

6th LA
Wed.  - Your typed and corrected copy of Patriots Pen is due
           -Story rough drafts are due

7th LA
Wed. - Your typed and corrected copy of Patriots Pen is due
         -Zoo article is due
October 22
Book report due

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Bazaar? Not really...

I need to share what I witnessed in 8th grade today.  One student brought $5 for the bazaar.  This person then decided to give it all to the offering and said he didn't need anything at the bazaar.  WOW!  This blessing was returned to him when he went to the bazaar and found $5 waiting for him as a gift from a relative!  God's blessings are not really so bazaar!

AR for all

6th LA
Thurs. - Spelling sentences due
Fri. - Spelling test
      -English test
Fri. or Mon. - Patriot's Pen typed copy is due!

7th LA
Fri. - Spelling and vocab tests
       - Finish the chapter in Things Not Seen   You never know when a quiz is coming....
       -Patriot's Pen is due!

October 22
Book report due

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A Rainy Tuesday Homework List

AR for all

6th Grade LA
Wed. poem or journal article connected with story
Thurs. spelling sentences due
Friday or Monday - Patriot's Pen essay typed

7th Grade LA
Wed. Finish reading Three Skeleton Key
         Spelling sentences due
         1 page rough draft of choice essay due
Friday  Patriot's Pen typed essay due

October 22 Book report due

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Words for Wednesday

Continue to read for AR!  

6th LA
- Spelling sentences with 7 words
-Spelling test
-Read chapter 16 in Loser
Friday or Monday
-Finished rough draft of Patriot's Pen is due

Tuesday, October 22  
Typed copy of Patriot's Pen is due               

7th LA
 -2 paragraphs of comaprison and contrast due
-Finish chapter of Things Not Seen
-Spelling and vocabulary tests

Friday, October 18
Typed copy of Patriot's Pen is due

Oct. 22 or before - Book share due

Monday, October 7, 2013

Colorful days

Enjoy the beauty of autumn, even if it is just for a moment in the midst of busy days.

6th LA
-one complete page of written rough draft for Patriot's Pen
-quiz on 'The Bracelet"

- Spelling sentences with 7 words

7th LA
-4 square plan for compare and contrast paragraphs

-completed rough draft of Patriot's Pen
-Spelling sentences with 7 words

 -2 paragraphs of comaprison and contrast due

  Oct. 22 or before - Book share due

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Midweek Reminders

6th LA
Thursday - Spelling sentences with 7 words
                -Patriot's Pen planning sheet

Friday - Typed comparison and contrast essay
           -Book report due using the tic tac toe sheet

7th LA
 Thursday -Tell Mrs. Koch the name of your book share book

  Friday - Things Not Seen p 75-81 and quiz question
             -Spelling and Vocab Quiz
   Oct. 9- rough draft of Patriot's Pen essay complete

   Oct. 22 or before - Book share due