Tuesday, December 16, 2014

It isn't only the reindeer that are flying...

time before Christmas flies too!

Memory Keep reviewing the parts for the Christmas Service

6th Wed. - Spelling sentences due
                  Words for 12 Days of Christmas due
Thursday - How to Essay due and bring an object to present it a  speech

Friday - Spelling test

Reading, performing and watching The Christmas Carol have been a pleasure!

Wed. - Spelling sentences due
Thursday - Christmas Carol paper due
Friday - Spelling test

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

December 10, 2014 ... That means 15 days until Christmas

Look for your child's midterms.  Please call with concerns.  Thanks.
Remember AR is not included in the midterm grade but will be included at the end of the quarter.  Keep reading a book of your choice at home.

In 6th grade we continued to read Number the Stars.  It was hard to put it down!  Ask about the casket!

6th grade Memory
Keep learning your Christmas memory all week!

6th LA

Thursday - Rough draft of 'How to" essay due
Friday - Spelling test
Thursday 12/17 - Typed essay due.  Be ready to present your essay as a speech to the class.  Have an object as a to help your demonstration.

7th LA
We are reading The Christmas Carol play in parts.
Thursday - Essay due
Friday - Spelling test
Finish A Long Way From Chicago!

Monday, December 8, 2014

December Times

6th grade Memory
Keep learning your Christmas memory all week!

6th LA
Tues. - Plan for 'How to"  essay due
Wed. - Spelling sentences due
Thursday - Rough draft of 'How to" essay due

7th LA
Tues. - Plan for essay due
Wed. - Spelling sentences due
Thursday - Essay due

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Season of Advent

We are getting ready for Christmas by lighting an Advent wreath each day during Religion.

Memory  - Christmas recitations all week

LA 6
Thurs. - Holiday memory writing due,
Address of person over 65 for letter writing due!
Friday - Read to P 66 in Number the Stars
Spelling test

LA 7
Essay due

Read to page 99 in Long Way from Chicago
Spelling test

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tuesday, Dec. 2

Memory  - Christmas recitations all week

LA 6
Wed. - Spelling sentences due, Questions P 297 1,2,3,8 and11 in sentences
Thurs. - Holiday memory writing due
Address of person over 65 for letter writing due!

LA 7
Wed. - Spelling sentences due,
Read to page 79 in Long Way from Chicago
Thurs. - essay due

Monday, December 1, 2014

Hi from the North Pole!

Ask your child about the 6th grade room!  Mr. Heitz and some elves were busy over break.

Memory  - Christmas recitations all week

LA 6
Wed. - Spelling sentences due
Thurs. - Holiday memory writing due,
Address of person over 65 for letter writing due!

LA 7
Wed. - Spelling sentences due,
Read to page 79 in Long Way from Chicago
Thurs. - essay due

Monday, November 24, 2014

Thanksgiving Blessings

At this time of year, I would like to say thank you to the students and parents of St. John.  You are blessings to me!  Enjoy Thanksgiving day!

Memory - We will start Christmas Memory after Thanksgiving.

LA 6 We practiced writing dialogue for our imaginary Thanksgiving guests
Please read for AR.  Don't let the business of the holidays cause you to leave it all to the end of the quarter.
 In class reading - Number the Stars  Tell someone about it.

LA 7  We wrote prayers that could be used at our Thanksgiving day feasts.  Anyone who says the prayer for their gathering, may choose a candy bar of their choice.

In class reading - A Long Way From Chicago

Please read for AR.  Don't let the business of the holidays cause you to leave it all to the end of the quarter.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

AR Award Day

Congrats to the many AR Award Earners!

Memory  - Thursday your choice verse from the back of the Religion book and a sentence explaining why you chose this verse.

Religion - We took three student developed tests as part of our unit project today!  Other projects included interviews, a service option and a song.  Very creative!

LA 6
Thursday - Writing about a Thanksgiving guest due
Friday - Spelling test

LA 7
Thursday -Thanksgiving conversation with proper quotation marks and commas due
Friday - Spelling test, Read to p 35 in A Long Way..

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Thank you!

Thank you to the many parents who attended conferences.  Valuable insights were gained!  If you were not able to attend, I would be glad to talk with you another time as well.  Please contact me if you have concerns.

Also I will try to write info here on Mondays and Wednesdays!

Memory  - Thursday your choice verse from the back of the Religion book and a sentence explaining why you chose this verse.

Religion - We took three student developed tests as part of our unit project today!  Other projects included interviews, a service option and a song.  Very creative!

LA 6  Wed. - Spelling sentences due
Thursday - Writing about a Thanksgiving guest due
Friday - Spelling test

LA 7  Wed. - Spelling sentences due
Thursday -Thanksgiving conversation with proper quotation marks and commas due
Friday - Spelling test

Friday, November 14, 2014

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Veteran's Day Celebration and a Snow Day

Congratulations to all of the Patriot Pen writers!  you can feel proud to have participated in this essay project!  A special congratulations to Amaris and Lainey from 6th grade and Eve and Grace from 7th grade.  Great job placing in the top of the essays for Merrill.  Thanks for reading them during our program as well.

In this crazy, snowy week, here are some updates...

Memory Thursday and Friday to learn Romans 8:26-28
Religion  Project due date now Tuesday, November 18

LA 6 and 7 Stories are due!
                   Fri. Spelling tests
LA7 Fri. Things Not Seen Project due

I will see you at conferences!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

A Week Filled with Plays

Wed.  Grades 5-8 are attending the high school play.  What  a treat to be invited!
Also the play is on for the high school volleyball team.  Several students have siblings playing on Thursday!

Thurs.  Psalm 51:10-12

LA 6
Wed.  Story plan is due!
Thurs.  Spelling sentences are due
Friday  Spelling test is due and 1 page of your story
11/11 Complete RD is due.
11/13  Story is due.

LA 6
Thurs. Story plan is due!
  Spelling sentences are due
Fri.  Spelling test, Word Wiz is due
11/11 Complete RD is due.
11/13  Story is due.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Picture perfect!

It was fun to see all of the snazzy looks for picture day!

Grade 6
Memory  Upcoming verses:
10/30  Titus 3:5
11/4  Psalm 51:10-12
11/6  Romans 8:26-28
11/11 Matthew 6:6
11/13  1 John 3:1
Cards for pastors are due!
AR - We just finished Ungifted in class.  Your child should take a test on this book!
Thurs.  Pumpkin story signed by an adult proofreader   Ask your child about the "contest" they won!
 Fri. Spelling test

Grade 7
Friday Essay due  with 2 proofreaders signing ( if deadlines have  not been met it is due Thursday)
Spelling test

Monday, October 27, 2014

Last Week of the Quarter

Grade 6
Upcoming verses:
10/28  2 Corinthians 5:21
10/30  Titus 3:5
11/4  Psalm 51:10-12
11/6  Romans 8:26-28
11/11 Matthew 6:6
11/13  1 John 3:1

Wed. Spelling sentences
Thurs.  Pumpkin story signed by an adult proofreader   Ask your child about the "contest" they won!

Grade 7
Tuesday Essay plan sheet done
Wed. Spelling sentences, 1 page rough draft done
Friday Essay due (as long as Wed.'s deadline is met.)

Monday, October 20, 2014


We started the week with a bang as we traveled to the Grand for a presentation by Doctor Kaboom.  He shared some cool science concepts and had a humorous  and positive message.

This short week:

READ for AR!  We have only one more week of the quarter left.

No spelling or new writing assignments this week.

Patriot's Pen assignments are late!  Corrections need to be made and they must be turned in this week.

Comparison contrast essays are due Tuesday!
Character conversations sheet due.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Bazaar Day

Enjoy the treats your children purchased today!

4th part of Baptism  We will have 2 times for the meaning and the Bible verse.

LA 6
Patriot's Pen is due, We will continue to edit it after that.
An adult proofreader's signature is required.

Spelling tests

LA 7
Read the next chapter in Things Not Seen!
Conversation paper is due!  We will practice and share them on Friday!

Patriot's Pen is due, We will continue to edit it after that.
An adult proofreader's signature is required.

Spelling and Vocab tests
Rikki Tikki Tavi must be read by then!

Compare/ Contrast Essay  - due October 21
Book Share - due October 21

Monday, October 13, 2014

Rainy Monday Night

It is about 9:30 and hopefully everyone is almost heading to bed!

Memory Tuesday- 3rd section on baptism and Bible verse
WOW!  The religion projects were terrific!

LA 6 and 7
Wednesday - Spelling sentences are due.

Friday - 2 copies of Patriot's Pen typed paper is due with an adult proofreader.  I am willing to make the copies if it is shared with me using Google Docs.   By Tuesday I will have returned all of the ones I have received.  Keep working to make corrections and do your best work.  Revising and editing are hard work!

LA 7
Wednesday - Comparison essay plan is due.  Be ready to write more!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Better later than never... Here it is!

Thursday  and next Tuesday- 3rd section on baptism and Bible verse (2 times)

Religion project Due October 10  See attachment in recent  posting!

LA 6
Thanks for sharing many book ideas during the book reports!

Students had the option to type them into a Google Doc today as an extra way to access them at home.  Ask your child if they took advantage of this.

Thursday - Patriot's Pen 1 page typed is due, We will continue to edit it after that.

Spelling tests
Students had the option to type them into a Google Doc today as an extra way to access them at home.  Ask your child if they took advantage of this.

Read the next chapter in Ungifted!

LA 7

Thursday - Patriot's Pen 1 page typed is due, We will continue to edit it after that.


Read the next chapter in Things Not Seen!
Spelling and Vocab tests
Students had the option to type them into a Google Doc today as an extra way to access them at home.  Ask your child if they took advantage of this.

Book Share - due October 21

Monday, October 6, 2014

Fall into this plan for the week!

Tuesday - 2nd section on baptism and Bible verse
 Religion project Due October 10  See attachment in recent  posting!

LA 6
Tuesday -
Book Reports are due!
Paragraph about "The Bracelet" due
Time to read in the library!

Wed. - Spelling sentences
Students had the option to type them into a Google Doc today as an extra way to access them at home.  Ask your child if they took advantage of this.

Thursday - Patriot's Pen 1 page typed is due, We will continue to edit it after that.

Spelling tests

LA 7

Wed. - Spelling sentences
Students had the option to type them into a Google Doc today as an extra way to access them at home.  Ask your child if they took advantage of this.

Thursday - Patriot's Pen 1 page typed is due, We will continue to edit it after that.

Spelling and Vocab tests

Book Share - due October 21

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Willing Wednesday

What a treat to have many willing readers in grades 6 and 7!  It was a treat to begin book clubs or literature circles in 6th grade and see great participation in discussion.  Seventh graders have been handing in a number of assignments on line!  Thank you!

Thursday - 1st section on baptism and Bible verse
 Religion project Due October 10  See attachment in last posting!

LA 6
Wed. - Spelling sentences Some still owe me this!  Remember your list needs to be a in a safe place and go home!  Next week we will try to put them on Google drive as well.

Thursday - Patriot's Pen RD due, English test

Friday - Read next chapter in Ungifted for Friday
Spelling tests

Book reports have been assigned - Due October 7

LA 7
Thursday - Patriot's Pen RD due

Friday - Spelling and Vocab tests
Read Things Not Seen Next chapter for Friday

Book Share - due October 21

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Watch out you never know what will happen to the teachers whose students don't turn in their Patriot's Pen assignment!
Don't throw us to the lions, 6th and 7th graders need to turn in Patriot's Pen rough drafts on Thursday!

Also attached is the 6th Grade religion project assignment.  It is due 10/10!

Unit 1 Religion Project

Monday, September 29, 2014

Marvelous Monday

Thursday - 1st part of Baptism

LA 6
Wed. - Spelling sentences
Thursday - Patriot's Pen RD due
Book reports have been assigned - Due October 7

LA 7
Wed. - Spelling sentences
Read Things Not Seen
Thursday - Patriot's Pen RD due

Book Share - due October 21

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Working Wednesday

What a blessing to see the 6th graders participate in chapel this morning.  Excellent reading and acting!

Memory  - Thursday
LA 6
Thursday - 1 page of Patriot's pen is due
Friday - Spelling test
            Top of CSI sheet due

LA 7
Thursday  Mason Dixie Line questions due
Patriot's Pen Plan due

Friday - Spelling test
            Finish the chapter in Things Not Seen, Be ready to discuss!
            Top of CSI sheet due

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

God's Not Dead!

Have you seen the movie?  Wow!  It is powerful.  It is still showing for free tonight and tomorrow night at the Cosmos at 7.  We have watched the Newsboys video during our song time in Religion.


Thursday - James 2:10

LA 6
Friday - Read to P. 46 in Ungifted.
Spelling test

Nice job on letters to the veteran, Mr. Hulke grade 6!

LA 7
Spelling test
Final letter copy due
Finish Ch 2 in Things Not Seen and write on 1 thick question.

How cool to see 5 students do their spelling sentences using google docs!

Monday, September 15, 2014

A Full Week Ahead

Tuesday - Romans 6:23
Thursday - James 2:10

LA 6
Tues. - Rough draft of letter to Mr. Hulke
Adult or student proofreader sign this

Wed - Spelling sentences

LA 7
Tues. - Read  P45-49 in Song of the Trees

Wed - Spelling sentences
          Rough draft of letter to Mr. Hulke

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wednesday Work...

6 Religion
Memory Thursday 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

LA 6

Due Wed. Spelling sentences with at least 6 words each, a few are now late
Due Thurs.  Return to School paragraph with proofreader, Spelling test

LA 7

Thursday - Fall paragraph due, Spelling test

Monday, September 8, 2014

A First Monday

Monday Morning Assignments  Here we go!
Religion 6
Tues. - Romans 1:16-17
Thursday - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

LA 6
Tuesday - Library
Wednesday - Editing on writing work, Have your writing at school
Thursday - Spelling test

Due Wed. Spelling sentences with at least 6 words each
Due Thurs.  Return to School paragraph with proofreader

LA 7
Tuesday - Library
Thursday - Spelling test

Due Tues.  Finish reading The Unforgettable Journey
Due Wed. Spelling sentences with at least 7 words each

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Welcome to the 2014-15 School Year!

Thanks for checking the blog!  I will usually try to post on here on Mondays and Wednesdays.  I will put MOST assignment plans on here.

Due:  AR goal sheet
It was attached to the last page of the information I passed out at Open House.  If you can not find it, please have your child ask for another or record it a piece of paper and sign it.  Minimum for 7th grade is 15 and  6th grade is 12.
 We will visit the library to check out books on Friday.  Our usual library day will be Tuesday.

6th Memory Thursday Hebrews 11:1

Monday, May 5, 2014

Dancing and running through the week

I know it is  a busy week for many.  Everyone may feel like they are on the run and trying to make it to the dance on time.  Here is the plan.  I noticed some students using their time very wisely today in class!

LA 6
W - Spelling sentences
Th - Rough draft for issue letter due
        5 paragraphs (intro, 3 reasons, wrap up)

LA 7
W - Spelling sentences
     -Poem with 12 lines
Th - Typed paper due
F - 4 Reader responses due
Then it is off to Camp Luther next week!

Monday, April 28, 2014

It is raining readers!

I was observing some excellent readers during class today!  Both 6th and 7th graders are reading novels from a few choices.  Ask your student what they are reading.

LA 6
WED. Spelling sentences
Thurs.  Typed essay
             A Bird's Eye View of Spring Paragraph
Fri.  Reading response with partner due
        Spelling test

Wed, Spelling sentences due
Country Project Dates                               
5/1 Rough draft compete

5/8 Paper typed and turned in to Mrs. Koch
         Plan ahead if you are going to make a food from your country

5/12-16 Camp Luther

5/19 and 5/20 Work on country presentations as an interesting speech

5/21, 5/22, 5/23   Presentations 

Before Camp Luther - 4 reading response papers due

Friday, April 25, 2014

Dates for LA 7

Country Project Dates                               

5/1 Rough draft compete

5/8 Paper typed and turned in to Mrs. Koch
         Plan ahead if you are going to make a food from your country

5/12-16 Camp Luther

5/19 and 5/20 Work on country presentations as an interesting speech

5/21, 5/22, 5/23   Presentations 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Spring has Sprung

LA 6
Wed. Spelling sentences and rough draft due (6th graders you know the topic)
We completed Hoot and enjoyed it very much!

Wed. Spelling sentences
Thursday - 5 paragraphs of the country project due
Thursday, May 1 Complete rough draft due

Monday, April 14, 2014

Holy Week

I hope that each person finds blessing in following Jesus' path to the cross and then celebrating his victory over death on Easter this week.

LA 6
Spelling sentences due Wed. 4/16
Chocolate rain essay due Wed. 4/16
Book Report due Thursday 4/17

CSI Reading Sheet due Tuesday 4/15
Spelling sentences with quotations due Wed. 4/16
Intro paragraph due Wed. 4/16
First information paragraph due Thursday 4/17

Monday, April 7, 2014

Testing and more this week

LA 6

Congratulations on some very nice poem books!  I enjoyed reading them!

Thursday - 10 spelling sentences
                - Writing assignment to be given on Tuesday

LA 7

Tuesday - 7 poems are competed
Wednesday - Spelling sentences are due!
Thursday - Typed poem books are due, including a cover and table of contents

Monday, March 31, 2014

No Fooling! Here is the plan for the week.

Grade 6 LA
We have completed reading the poems in our book.  Now we are busy compiling them into a booklet.  We will type on Tuesday and Thursday.  Some of you may need to type sat home in order to finish this.   Poem book is due on Thursday by the end of class!  

Spelling sentences with proper nouns due Thursday

Grade 7 LA
Book Report due on or before Wednesday April 4

Wednesday - Spelling sentences

Friday Poem check - Hand in at least three more poems.  Choices are numbers 1-7 on our assignment sheet including extended metaphor, metaphor definition and examples, simile definition and clever poem,  Langston Hughes type poem or humorous exaggeration poem.

The poem booklet is due April 10th with  8 poems need to be included as well as a cover and table of contents.

Last day for 3rd quarter AR tests is Friday!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Poems and More and Poems

Grade 6 LA
We have completed reading the poems in our book.  Now we are busy compiling them into a booklet.  We will type on Thursday and plan to have this complete by next Thursday.

Descriptive essay 2nd copy, typed or hand written, due Friday

Spelling sentences with connecting words due Thursday

Grade 7 LA
Book Report due on or before Wednesday April 4

Wednesday - Spelling sentences

Friday Poem check - Hand in at least one more poem.  Choices are extended metaphor, metaphor definition and examples, simile definition and clever poem or Langston Hughes type poem.

Poem booklets are being created and 8 poems need to be included.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Back at School

March 24

Grade 6 LA
CSI (Character study paper) due Tuesday
Descriptive essay 3 paragraph rough draft due Wednseday
Spelling sentences with connecting words due Thursday

Grade 7 LA
Book Report due on or before Wednesday April 4

Tuesday - Poem of ME due
Please note we will have poems due almost every day this week!
Wednesday - Spelling sentences

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

4 Days

LA 6
Wednesday - Motto Poem
Thursday - 3 wishes or leprechaun story, spelling sentences
Friday - spelling test

Typed famous person essay
Spelling sentences
St. John Faculty letter

Friday - spelling test

Monday, February 24, 2014

Midway through 3rd Quarter

LA 6
We are reading poetry in our literature books.  Today we read John Henry.

Spelling sentences
Essay - What St. John Means to Me
Animal poem (to be assigned W)

Spelling test

LA 7
We are reading about Elizabeth I.

Spelling sentences
Grammar test

Spelling test
Essay 5 paragraphs about a famous person

Midterms go home Friday!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Do follow these Due Dates!

Grade 6
Tell your parents about our new book, Hoot

Rough draft on an inventor due 2/18

Final typed copy due to Mr. B next week!
Thursday - Problem/Solution essay due
                -spelling sentences due
Friday - spelling and vocabulary quiz
Grade 7
We are beginning a new novel, Fires in the Wilderness.  What do you know about the CCC?

Typed research paper due 2/20 to Mr. B.

Objective and subjective paragraphs due Thursday/Friday
Friday - spelling and vocabulary quiz

Quarterly book report due before 3/25

Friday, February 14, 2014

Science papers

Grade 6
Rough draft on an inventor due 2/18

Grade 7
Typed research paper due 2/20

Monday, February 10, 2014

Science Papers to Ponder

Congrats to spelling bee participants Jacob Novitch, Kelsie Belfiori, Pete Breitwisch and Jacob Zelinski!  You represented St. John School well!  Jacob Z. moves on to the next level and Kelsie is the alternate.

Grade 6 LA

Tuesday - Number the Stars packet and book reports due
Wednesday - storyboard due
Thursday - 2 paragraphs about a park
                -spelling sentences
Friday - spelling and vocabulary quiz
           - present commercials
  2/18 or before Inventor RD for science due

Grade 7 LA
 Tuesday - finish "Echo and Narcissus", 1 page of RD due for science paper
Wednesday - spelling sentences,  P  438 questions 1,2,8,9,10 and choice writing assignment
Friday - spelling and vocabulary quiz

Quarterly book report due before 3/25

Monday, February 3, 2014

February Flies By..

I titled this as such because in this short month, this seems to be the case.  This is especially true when thinking about science fair papers!

2/6 Choose an inventor, write a 1/2 page of notes about them
2/18 Rough draft due 2 pages of notebook paper or 1 page typed
2/28 Final paper due

2/11 One page of rough draft due on science topic
2/20 Final paper due

Spelling sentences with prepositions

Spelling sentences
1 page rough draft of personal narrative due
Personal narrative due

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Warmer Wednesday

6th LA
Due Friday
Letter about why you deserve the Super Bowl or Olympics tickets.
Include date, heading, body, closing and signature.
Use a proofreader and have them sign it!

7th LA
Finish After 20 Years
Questions 1,2,and 8in sentences
P387 Choice 1 or 2

2 paragraph assignment on current event or an activity you will be doing 20 years from now and what it will be like

No spelling until next week!

AR goals are due by Friday.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Great Spellers

Grades 6 and 7
We are participating in a spelling bee through MAPS.  Representing grade 6 is Peter Breitwisch and the alternate is Tanner Johnson.  For 7th grade, Kelsie Belfiori will attend and the alternate is undecided as of yet.  We have 4 equally good spellers - Abe, Jasmine, Sadia and Erin.  It is a good problem!

6th LA

Spelling sentences with prepositions in each
Outfit  paragraph
Spelling/Vocab. test
Wear your favorite school clothes

7th LA
This week - book report due


Spelling/Vocab. test
Antaeus quiz

Monday, January 20, 2014

Spelling Fun for Some

Grades 6 and 7
We are participating in a spelling bee through MAPS.  We did a written test in class and will continue with the oral part this week.  The class representatives will be going to PRMS on a Friday in Feb. to continue in  the competition.  Ask your student about this!

6th LA
Book report due

Spelling sentences with prepositions in each
Outfit  paragraph
Spelling/Vocab. test
Wear your favorite school clothes

7th LA
This week - book report due

Spelling Sentences

Current event assignment due
Typed essay due at the end of class
Spelling/Vocab. test

Monday, January 13, 2014

A Regular Schedule and Some Ski Fun

6th LA
Spelling Sentences
Typed essay on book character
Dream paragraph

Spelling/Vocab. test

7th LA
Permission slips and money due!
Essay plan due

Spelling Sentences

Essay due!
Spelling/Vocab. test

Skiing for 7th and 8th grades

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Warm Faces

Even in the still cold temperatures, it was nice to see warm faces back in the classroom.  I trust you enjoyed the free time.

LA 6
Thursday Planning sheet for essay is due
Friday Three paragraph rough draft essay due
Next week
Regular spelling lessons

LA 7
Thursday 4 Square planning sheet for essay is due
Friday Four paragraph essay due
Next week
Regular spelling lessons

Grades 7 and 8
Ski field trip permission and money are due by Friday
Rental,pass and bus $11
Bus only (have working equipment) and pass $6

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Announcing a Field Trip

The 7th and 8th Grades are going cross country skiing! See the attached note.
field trip note