Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Warmer Wednesday

6th LA
Due Friday
Letter about why you deserve the Super Bowl or Olympics tickets.
Include date, heading, body, closing and signature.
Use a proofreader and have them sign it!

7th LA
Finish After 20 Years
Questions 1,2,and 8in sentences
P387 Choice 1 or 2

2 paragraph assignment on current event or an activity you will be doing 20 years from now and what it will be like

No spelling until next week!

AR goals are due by Friday.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Great Spellers

Grades 6 and 7
We are participating in a spelling bee through MAPS.  Representing grade 6 is Peter Breitwisch and the alternate is Tanner Johnson.  For 7th grade, Kelsie Belfiori will attend and the alternate is undecided as of yet.  We have 4 equally good spellers - Abe, Jasmine, Sadia and Erin.  It is a good problem!

6th LA

Spelling sentences with prepositions in each
Outfit  paragraph
Spelling/Vocab. test
Wear your favorite school clothes

7th LA
This week - book report due


Spelling/Vocab. test
Antaeus quiz

Monday, January 20, 2014

Spelling Fun for Some

Grades 6 and 7
We are participating in a spelling bee through MAPS.  We did a written test in class and will continue with the oral part this week.  The class representatives will be going to PRMS on a Friday in Feb. to continue in  the competition.  Ask your student about this!

6th LA
Book report due

Spelling sentences with prepositions in each
Outfit  paragraph
Spelling/Vocab. test
Wear your favorite school clothes

7th LA
This week - book report due

Spelling Sentences

Current event assignment due
Typed essay due at the end of class
Spelling/Vocab. test

Monday, January 13, 2014

A Regular Schedule and Some Ski Fun

6th LA
Spelling Sentences
Typed essay on book character
Dream paragraph

Spelling/Vocab. test

7th LA
Permission slips and money due!
Essay plan due

Spelling Sentences

Essay due!
Spelling/Vocab. test

Skiing for 7th and 8th grades

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Warm Faces

Even in the still cold temperatures, it was nice to see warm faces back in the classroom.  I trust you enjoyed the free time.

LA 6
Thursday Planning sheet for essay is due
Friday Three paragraph rough draft essay due
Next week
Regular spelling lessons

LA 7
Thursday 4 Square planning sheet for essay is due
Friday Four paragraph essay due
Next week
Regular spelling lessons

Grades 7 and 8
Ski field trip permission and money are due by Friday
Rental,pass and bus $11
Bus only (have working equipment) and pass $6

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Announcing a Field Trip

The 7th and 8th Grades are going cross country skiing! See the attached note.
field trip note