Monday, March 31, 2014

No Fooling! Here is the plan for the week.

Grade 6 LA
We have completed reading the poems in our book.  Now we are busy compiling them into a booklet.  We will type on Tuesday and Thursday.  Some of you may need to type sat home in order to finish this.   Poem book is due on Thursday by the end of class!  

Spelling sentences with proper nouns due Thursday

Grade 7 LA
Book Report due on or before Wednesday April 4

Wednesday - Spelling sentences

Friday Poem check - Hand in at least three more poems.  Choices are numbers 1-7 on our assignment sheet including extended metaphor, metaphor definition and examples, simile definition and clever poem,  Langston Hughes type poem or humorous exaggeration poem.

The poem booklet is due April 10th with  8 poems need to be included as well as a cover and table of contents.

Last day for 3rd quarter AR tests is Friday!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Poems and More and Poems

Grade 6 LA
We have completed reading the poems in our book.  Now we are busy compiling them into a booklet.  We will type on Thursday and plan to have this complete by next Thursday.

Descriptive essay 2nd copy, typed or hand written, due Friday

Spelling sentences with connecting words due Thursday

Grade 7 LA
Book Report due on or before Wednesday April 4

Wednesday - Spelling sentences

Friday Poem check - Hand in at least one more poem.  Choices are extended metaphor, metaphor definition and examples, simile definition and clever poem or Langston Hughes type poem.

Poem booklets are being created and 8 poems need to be included.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Back at School

March 24

Grade 6 LA
CSI (Character study paper) due Tuesday
Descriptive essay 3 paragraph rough draft due Wednseday
Spelling sentences with connecting words due Thursday

Grade 7 LA
Book Report due on or before Wednesday April 4

Tuesday - Poem of ME due
Please note we will have poems due almost every day this week!
Wednesday - Spelling sentences

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

4 Days

LA 6
Wednesday - Motto Poem
Thursday - 3 wishes or leprechaun story, spelling sentences
Friday - spelling test

Typed famous person essay
Spelling sentences
St. John Faculty letter

Friday - spelling test