Monday, April 28, 2014

It is raining readers!

I was observing some excellent readers during class today!  Both 6th and 7th graders are reading novels from a few choices.  Ask your student what they are reading.

LA 6
WED. Spelling sentences
Thurs.  Typed essay
             A Bird's Eye View of Spring Paragraph
Fri.  Reading response with partner due
        Spelling test

Wed, Spelling sentences due
Country Project Dates                               
5/1 Rough draft compete

5/8 Paper typed and turned in to Mrs. Koch
         Plan ahead if you are going to make a food from your country

5/12-16 Camp Luther

5/19 and 5/20 Work on country presentations as an interesting speech

5/21, 5/22, 5/23   Presentations 

Before Camp Luther - 4 reading response papers due

Friday, April 25, 2014

Dates for LA 7

Country Project Dates                               

5/1 Rough draft compete

5/8 Paper typed and turned in to Mrs. Koch
         Plan ahead if you are going to make a food from your country

5/12-16 Camp Luther

5/19 and 5/20 Work on country presentations as an interesting speech

5/21, 5/22, 5/23   Presentations 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Spring has Sprung

LA 6
Wed. Spelling sentences and rough draft due (6th graders you know the topic)
We completed Hoot and enjoyed it very much!

Wed. Spelling sentences
Thursday - 5 paragraphs of the country project due
Thursday, May 1 Complete rough draft due

Monday, April 14, 2014

Holy Week

I hope that each person finds blessing in following Jesus' path to the cross and then celebrating his victory over death on Easter this week.

LA 6
Spelling sentences due Wed. 4/16
Chocolate rain essay due Wed. 4/16
Book Report due Thursday 4/17

CSI Reading Sheet due Tuesday 4/15
Spelling sentences with quotations due Wed. 4/16
Intro paragraph due Wed. 4/16
First information paragraph due Thursday 4/17

Monday, April 7, 2014

Testing and more this week

LA 6

Congratulations on some very nice poem books!  I enjoyed reading them!

Thursday - 10 spelling sentences
                - Writing assignment to be given on Tuesday

LA 7

Tuesday - 7 poems are competed
Wednesday - Spelling sentences are due!
Thursday - Typed poem books are due, including a cover and table of contents