Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Picture perfect!

It was fun to see all of the snazzy looks for picture day!

Grade 6
Memory  Upcoming verses:
10/30  Titus 3:5
11/4  Psalm 51:10-12
11/6  Romans 8:26-28
11/11 Matthew 6:6
11/13  1 John 3:1
Cards for pastors are due!
AR - We just finished Ungifted in class.  Your child should take a test on this book!
Thurs.  Pumpkin story signed by an adult proofreader   Ask your child about the "contest" they won!
 Fri. Spelling test

Grade 7
Friday Essay due  with 2 proofreaders signing ( if deadlines have  not been met it is due Thursday)
Spelling test

Monday, October 27, 2014

Last Week of the Quarter

Grade 6
Upcoming verses:
10/28  2 Corinthians 5:21
10/30  Titus 3:5
11/4  Psalm 51:10-12
11/6  Romans 8:26-28
11/11 Matthew 6:6
11/13  1 John 3:1

Wed. Spelling sentences
Thurs.  Pumpkin story signed by an adult proofreader   Ask your child about the "contest" they won!

Grade 7
Tuesday Essay plan sheet done
Wed. Spelling sentences, 1 page rough draft done
Friday Essay due (as long as Wed.'s deadline is met.)

Monday, October 20, 2014


We started the week with a bang as we traveled to the Grand for a presentation by Doctor Kaboom.  He shared some cool science concepts and had a humorous  and positive message.

This short week:

READ for AR!  We have only one more week of the quarter left.

No spelling or new writing assignments this week.

Patriot's Pen assignments are late!  Corrections need to be made and they must be turned in this week.

Comparison contrast essays are due Tuesday!
Character conversations sheet due.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Bazaar Day

Enjoy the treats your children purchased today!

4th part of Baptism  We will have 2 times for the meaning and the Bible verse.

LA 6
Patriot's Pen is due, We will continue to edit it after that.
An adult proofreader's signature is required.

Spelling tests

LA 7
Read the next chapter in Things Not Seen!
Conversation paper is due!  We will practice and share them on Friday!

Patriot's Pen is due, We will continue to edit it after that.
An adult proofreader's signature is required.

Spelling and Vocab tests
Rikki Tikki Tavi must be read by then!

Compare/ Contrast Essay  - due October 21
Book Share - due October 21

Monday, October 13, 2014

Rainy Monday Night

It is about 9:30 and hopefully everyone is almost heading to bed!

Memory Tuesday- 3rd section on baptism and Bible verse
WOW!  The religion projects were terrific!

LA 6 and 7
Wednesday - Spelling sentences are due.

Friday - 2 copies of Patriot's Pen typed paper is due with an adult proofreader.  I am willing to make the copies if it is shared with me using Google Docs.   By Tuesday I will have returned all of the ones I have received.  Keep working to make corrections and do your best work.  Revising and editing are hard work!

LA 7
Wednesday - Comparison essay plan is due.  Be ready to write more!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Better later than never... Here it is!

Thursday  and next Tuesday- 3rd section on baptism and Bible verse (2 times)

Religion project Due October 10  See attachment in recent  posting!

LA 6
Thanks for sharing many book ideas during the book reports!

Students had the option to type them into a Google Doc today as an extra way to access them at home.  Ask your child if they took advantage of this.

Thursday - Patriot's Pen 1 page typed is due, We will continue to edit it after that.

Spelling tests
Students had the option to type them into a Google Doc today as an extra way to access them at home.  Ask your child if they took advantage of this.

Read the next chapter in Ungifted!

LA 7

Thursday - Patriot's Pen 1 page typed is due, We will continue to edit it after that.


Read the next chapter in Things Not Seen!
Spelling and Vocab tests
Students had the option to type them into a Google Doc today as an extra way to access them at home.  Ask your child if they took advantage of this.

Book Share - due October 21

Monday, October 6, 2014

Fall into this plan for the week!

Tuesday - 2nd section on baptism and Bible verse
 Religion project Due October 10  See attachment in recent  posting!

LA 6
Tuesday -
Book Reports are due!
Paragraph about "The Bracelet" due
Time to read in the library!

Wed. - Spelling sentences
Students had the option to type them into a Google Doc today as an extra way to access them at home.  Ask your child if they took advantage of this.

Thursday - Patriot's Pen 1 page typed is due, We will continue to edit it after that.

Spelling tests

LA 7

Wed. - Spelling sentences
Students had the option to type them into a Google Doc today as an extra way to access them at home.  Ask your child if they took advantage of this.

Thursday - Patriot's Pen 1 page typed is due, We will continue to edit it after that.

Spelling and Vocab tests

Book Share - due October 21

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Willing Wednesday

What a treat to have many willing readers in grades 6 and 7!  It was a treat to begin book clubs or literature circles in 6th grade and see great participation in discussion.  Seventh graders have been handing in a number of assignments on line!  Thank you!

Thursday - 1st section on baptism and Bible verse
 Religion project Due October 10  See attachment in last posting!

LA 6
Wed. - Spelling sentences Some still owe me this!  Remember your list needs to be a in a safe place and go home!  Next week we will try to put them on Google drive as well.

Thursday - Patriot's Pen RD due, English test

Friday - Read next chapter in Ungifted for Friday
Spelling tests

Book reports have been assigned - Due October 7

LA 7
Thursday - Patriot's Pen RD due

Friday - Spelling and Vocab tests
Read Things Not Seen Next chapter for Friday

Book Share - due October 21