Monday, November 24, 2014

Thanksgiving Blessings

At this time of year, I would like to say thank you to the students and parents of St. John.  You are blessings to me!  Enjoy Thanksgiving day!

Memory - We will start Christmas Memory after Thanksgiving.

LA 6 We practiced writing dialogue for our imaginary Thanksgiving guests
Please read for AR.  Don't let the business of the holidays cause you to leave it all to the end of the quarter.
 In class reading - Number the Stars  Tell someone about it.

LA 7  We wrote prayers that could be used at our Thanksgiving day feasts.  Anyone who says the prayer for their gathering, may choose a candy bar of their choice.

In class reading - A Long Way From Chicago

Please read for AR.  Don't let the business of the holidays cause you to leave it all to the end of the quarter.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

AR Award Day

Congrats to the many AR Award Earners!

Memory  - Thursday your choice verse from the back of the Religion book and a sentence explaining why you chose this verse.

Religion - We took three student developed tests as part of our unit project today!  Other projects included interviews, a service option and a song.  Very creative!

LA 6
Thursday - Writing about a Thanksgiving guest due
Friday - Spelling test

LA 7
Thursday -Thanksgiving conversation with proper quotation marks and commas due
Friday - Spelling test, Read to p 35 in A Long Way..

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Thank you!

Thank you to the many parents who attended conferences.  Valuable insights were gained!  If you were not able to attend, I would be glad to talk with you another time as well.  Please contact me if you have concerns.

Also I will try to write info here on Mondays and Wednesdays!

Memory  - Thursday your choice verse from the back of the Religion book and a sentence explaining why you chose this verse.

Religion - We took three student developed tests as part of our unit project today!  Other projects included interviews, a service option and a song.  Very creative!

LA 6  Wed. - Spelling sentences due
Thursday - Writing about a Thanksgiving guest due
Friday - Spelling test

LA 7  Wed. - Spelling sentences due
Thursday -Thanksgiving conversation with proper quotation marks and commas due
Friday - Spelling test

Friday, November 14, 2014

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Veteran's Day Celebration and a Snow Day

Congratulations to all of the Patriot Pen writers!  you can feel proud to have participated in this essay project!  A special congratulations to Amaris and Lainey from 6th grade and Eve and Grace from 7th grade.  Great job placing in the top of the essays for Merrill.  Thanks for reading them during our program as well.

In this crazy, snowy week, here are some updates...

Memory Thursday and Friday to learn Romans 8:26-28
Religion  Project due date now Tuesday, November 18

LA 6 and 7 Stories are due!
                   Fri. Spelling tests
LA7 Fri. Things Not Seen Project due

I will see you at conferences!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

A Week Filled with Plays

Wed.  Grades 5-8 are attending the high school play.  What  a treat to be invited!
Also the play is on for the high school volleyball team.  Several students have siblings playing on Thursday!

Thurs.  Psalm 51:10-12

LA 6
Wed.  Story plan is due!
Thurs.  Spelling sentences are due
Friday  Spelling test is due and 1 page of your story
11/11 Complete RD is due.
11/13  Story is due.

LA 6
Thurs. Story plan is due!
  Spelling sentences are due
Fri.  Spelling test, Word Wiz is due
11/11 Complete RD is due.
11/13  Story is due.