Thanks for visiting the blog! I hope it is helpful this year. I will attempt to post homework here on Monday and Wednesdays.
I have attached the Open House Letter. Please look through this and refer to it as reference. Thanks! I am planning for a terrific year!
Beginning of the School Year 2015-2016 Mrs.
Welcome back
to school! Our theme verse for the year is 1 John 3:1. “See what kind of
love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God;
and so we are.” God loves us so much
that he given us the gift of a summertime break. But even more than our daily
blessings, he has given his Son and called us to belong to him. We are his
children! I pray this year is filled with recognizing the marvelous love that
is extended to us and that gives us our identity.
A new school year brings many changes
for students, parents and teachers. I am
looking forward to sharing the excitement that learning provides. My schedule is as follows:
v Grade 6 Language Arts 8:00-9:22 in 6th grade room
v Grade 7 Language Arts 9:32-10:54 in 8th grade room and
the library
Grades 5-8 Computer 10:56-11:36 in computer lab
Classroom Behavior Reminders:
are implanting Positive Behavior Intervention System (P.B.I.S.) as a school
wide endeavor to reinforce positive behaviors.
Specific guideline will be in place throughout the school. The “Three Strikes” System will also be used
if students choose not to follow the expectations. The homeroom teacher will be informed regarding positive or
negative behaviors.
and seventh grade assignments and due dates will be stated and should be
recorded by the student.
and information will also be available on my blog. It can be accessed at
are to be finished by the date given in class.
will be turned in at the beginning of the appropriate class periods of the day.
will come when assignments are turned in on time or incomplete. The homeroom teachers will be informed if
assignments are incomplete.
6th Grade
Language Arts
· Language Arts includes Reading,
English and Spelling.
· We will be using a books called The
Elements of Literature and Shurley English as well as novels.
· A notebook and binder will be used
for class.
Accelerated Reader
· St. John has AR access to countless
tests on line!
· Sixth graders will set AR goals. AR will be counted as 15% of the Reading
grade. It will be added in at the end of
the quarter.
· Enclosed is a sheet to be signed and
returned. This will allow us to be on
the same page and work together to accomplish this goal.
· The minimum will be 12 points this quarter to earn 100%.
Book Reports
We will be
doing book reports 5-6 times per year.
Enclosed is a tic tac toe book report form to use as a reference.
Writing Assignments - Weekly Paragraphs
First day of the week – Weekly
writing assignment given.
Wednesdays -
Revise and edit work in class.
Thursday - Paragraphs are due!
Cover sheet is stapled on top of the
proofreader has signed paper.
turned in on time receive full credit.
After that, 5 points will be subtracted per day.
6th Grade Spelling
Sixth grade
spelling words will come from three sources:
· 5 words from a list of the 1000 most
commonly used words
· 5 words from the child’s own writing
· 5 assigned words
Look for a list of 15 words to come home the first day
of each week. Your child will also type
their list as a Google Doc in Google Drive, which is accessible on the internet.
Weekly Assignment:
Spelling sentences are due Wednesday of each week.
Use each of
the spelling words in a different sentence for a total of 15 sentences. The sentences should have at least 6
words. Underline spelling words. To earn full credit, a sentence must include
correct punctuation and spelling as well as make sense.
Test: Given on the last school day of each week
7th Grade Language
· Language Arts includes Reading,
English and Spelling.
· We will be using a books called The
Elements of Literature and Shurley English as well as novels.
· A notebook and binder will be used for class.
Accelerated Reader:
· St. John has AR access to countless
tests on line! Use to see if a book is now part of the AR system!
· The seventh graders will be setting
AR goals. AR will be counted as 15% of
the Reading grade. It will be added in
at the end of the quarter.
· Enclosed is a sheet to be signed and
returned. This will allow us to be on
the same page and work together to accomplish this goal.
· The minimum will be 15 points this quarter to earn 100%.
Book Share
· A book share assignment incorporating
technology is due once a quarter.
· Enclosed is an information sheet to
use as a reference.
Weekly Writing Assignments
· First day of the week – Weekly
writing assignment given.
· Wednesdays - Usually 1 page of
written work is due. Work will be
revised and editied on that day in class.
· Thursday – Essays
are due!
· Writing turned in on time receives
full credit. After that, 5 points will
be subtracted per day.
· Approximately once a month, one piece
of writing will be taken to final copy.
A double spaced typed copy will be due on Thursday.
Seventh grade
spelling words will come from three sources:
· 5 words from a list of leveled words
· 5 words from the child’s own writing
· 5 assigned words from our reading
Look for a list of 15 words to come home the first day
of each week. Your child will also type
their list as a Google Doc in Google Drive, which is accessible on the
Weekly Assignment:
Spelling sentences are due Wednesday of each week.
Use each of
the spelling words in a different sentence for a total of 15 sentences. The sentences should have at least 7
words. Underline spelling words. To earn full credit, a sentence must include
correct punctuation and spelling as well as make sense.
Test: Given on the last school day of each week
I am excited
to serve in my sixth year as a teacher at St. John Lutheran. It has been a blessing to see the students
grow over the years. My husband, Eric
and I have made our home in Merrill for 16 years. My sons, Stephen and Nathan attend Merrill
High School. My oldest, Andrew, is a
sophomore at UW-Eau Claire. Please feel
free to contact me at school or home. My
school e-mail address is
Please email me so that I may have
your address. My home phone number is
In Christ,
Mrs. Sherry Koch