Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Many Thanks Today

Thank you Veterans who have served our country.

Thanks for reading your essays Peter, Eve Abe, Hannah and Logan Humphrey
Congratulations on your awards!

Thanks to all of the 6th,7th and 8th graders who worked diligently on your Patriot's Pen essays.

Thanks to all who helped make our bake sale for the Honor Flight a success.

6th LA

Thursday - 7+ word spelling sentences are due
                -2 paragraph essay due from Dragon, Dragon your choice of the following:
                  hero or continuing the story
Friday- Spelling and vocabulary quiz

7th LA

Thursday/Friday - 3 paragraph essay due
Friday     -Read Things Not Seen P.203-211
               -Spelling  and vocabulary quiz


  1. Thank you for all you did to help the students prepare their essays. I thought that all the readers did a fantastic job.

  2. Thanks to the dedicated parents of St. John too!
