Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Holy Week

I haven't written here lately.  It seemed as though the views were down to almost zero.  However, I have had a few requests and so I will to updates this way.

I hope everyone has a blessed Easter.  Ask the 6th graders about a cool youtube video about the Passover story on Twitter.  It brings home the true meaning of Easter.

Memory 6
Thursday 4/2  2 Thessalonians 3:3
Thursday 4/7 John 3:5

LA 6
Spelling sentences due Wed., test on Thursday
Writing - Poetry
Three poems are finished - McBean, animal and acrostic
Assignment -  4 line motto poem due Thursday

We will start typing and putting these into a booklet on Google Classroom soon.

LA 7
Spelling sentences due Wed., test on Thursday
Writing - Thursday - final copy of essay and creative writing paragraph due

Poetry - 2 poems have been explained, booklet due April 28 with 8 poems

Fires in the Wilderness P 73 Wed.

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